Crate uniffi

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  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Types that can cross the FFI boundary.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Pack UniFFI interface metadata into byte arrays



  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Support for reading a slice of foreign-language-allocated bytes over the FFI.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Struct to hold a foreign callback.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Schedule Rust calls using a foreign executor
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Opaque handle for a foreign task executor.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Support for passing an allocated-by-Rust buffer of bytes over the FFI.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Represents the success/error of a rust call
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Opaque handle for a Rust future that’s stored by the foreign language code
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Used when internal/unexpected error happened when calling a foreign callback, for example when a unknown exception is raised


  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result of a foreign callback invocation
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result code returned by ForeignExecutorCallback
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result of a FFI call to a Rust function
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result code for rust_future_poll. This is passed to the continuation function.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Passed to a RustTaskCallback function when the executor invokes them.


  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates The method index used by the Drop trait to communicate to the foreign language side that Rust has finished with it, and it can be deleted from the handle map.


  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Generalized FFI conversions
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates FfiConverter for Arc-types
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Lift values passed by the foreign code over the FFI into Rust values
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Lift references
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Return foreign values to Rust
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Lower Rust values to pass them to the foreign code
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Return Rust values to the foreign code


Type Aliases

  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates ForeignCallback is the Rust representation of a foreign language function. It is the basis for all callbacks interfaces. It is registered exactly once per callback interface, at library start up time. Calling this method is only done by generated objects which mirror callback interfaces objects in the foreign language.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Callback to schedule a Rust call with a ForeignExecutor. The bindings code registers exactly one of these with the Rust code.
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Result<T, Error>
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Foreign callback that’s passed to rust_future_poll
  • Reexport items from other uniffi creates Callback for a Rust task, this is what the foreign executor invokes

Attribute Macros

Derive Macros